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Video Transcript: Rick Walker 0:07Well, hello, everyone. Welcome to the podcast. I am so excited to have Bob Doll with us today. Bob is presently the Chief Investment Officer at Crossmark Global. Bob joined Crossmark in May of 2021 as Chief Investment Officer bringing over 40 years of industry experience to guide their investment process. […]
Read More视频文本 步入2023年第二季度,今年以来美国股市的黯淡前景一直被受市场关注。受估值上涨推动,市盈率提高,标普500指数上涨约6.5个百分点。然而,仅有20只个股支撑此次涨幅的近90%。 美国上月就业新增23.6万,低于2月,但这一放缓不足以使美国央行停止再次加息。投资者加息预期明显,远期市场目前定价显示,下个月美联储会议加息可能性接近75%。伴随就业增长边际减弱,近期经济数据显示工资增长有放缓迹象,这将长期有利于抑制通胀。 值得关注的是,美国企业正面临新冠疫情以来最严重的利润下滑,一方面高通胀削减利润率,另一方面潜在的经济衰退担忧抑制了市场需求。根据FactSet研究公司的估计,标普500指数公司一季度盈利预计将比去年同期下降6.8%。 Video Transcript As we head into the second quarter of 2023, the challenges of the US equity market this year so far have been notable. The S&P 500 is up about 6.5%, largely driven by valuation expansions, as PE ratios climbed higher. Still, just 20 stocks have accounted for almost 90 […]
Read More视频文本 总部位于德克萨斯州的投资公司Stratiq是阳光带区域的房地产行业先锋。该公司的历史可以追溯到1997年,当时联合创始人里克·沃克(Rick Walker)先生是一家军事基地运营承包商顾问。同年,他在科珀斯克里斯蒂和俄克拉荷马市成立了一家数据托管和咨询公司,为联邦政府提供100万余平方英尺的物业管理和维护服务。 沃克先生于2000年成立了前身公司-绿能高效,该公司基于建筑运营和生命周期进行数据分析,以此为绿色商业建筑提供固定收费模式的维修和维护服务。截至2009年,“绿能高效”已将其领军节能环保设计和可持续发展咨询业务扩展到美国其他地区,并增长到400名正式员工。 2012年,Stratiq的普通合伙人开启中高层商业办公地产项目收购,2018年,绿能高效的LUMICRE业务板块分拆接管了商业房地产投资和运营,联邦业务由绿能高效独立经营。Stratiq及其附属关联机构目前拥有超过50万平方英尺的商业办公资产。 Stratiq于2019年由11个家族理财室联合成立,并与LUMICRE合作收购商业地产及运营资本。该公司已对外发行其首支基金。公司利用25年的商业地产数据分析及投资经验,发掘战略投资机会。 在Stratiq,可持续发展、以租户为中心、协作和共赢是领导公司运营的核心价值观。该公司垂直整合的以租户为中心的投资专业团队致力于发掘具有增值潜力的房地产投资交易,打造城市办公空间盈利模式。 Video Transcript Stratiq Capital, a Texas-based investment firm, has established itself as a key player in the Sun Belt region’s real estate industry. The company’s lineage dates back to 1997, when co-founder Rick Walker was a consultant for a military base operations contractor. That same year, he founded […]
Read MoreVideo Transcript: We felt it would be helpful as you set your 2023 investment strategy in the industrial space to take a look at the entire U.S. market. And how does this impact your portfolio? One of the greatest concerns besides the recession has also been the idea of what will the debt markets do […]
Read MoreIn 2022, the U.S. industrial rental market experienced a slowing of growth, with quarterly gains decreasing from 3% a year ago to 2% in 2022 (Q4). The outlook for 2023 is unlikely to see a reacceleration due to a record number of speculative commercial real estate developments set to complete, alongside the macroeconomic impacts of […]
Read MoreVideo transcript: As we begin to think about what is our retail strategy specifically, are we in a disposition or acquisition mode? Do we want to be overexposed or underexposed to retail? What is the Amazon effect? What is the inflation effect? What is the E-commerce suffocation and the insurance impact on retail? We’ve seen […]
Read MoreVideo transcript: We felt it would be helpful to provide a 2023 summary of where the United States office market currently sits and where it’s going to be going. The themes from the past 12 months have essentially been around the idea of a recession and layoffs will impact the need for office space as […]
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